By Lynda Spirit Baptiste

LOVATIONSHIP GURU’S speak straight from their hearts this Mothers Day to their Mom’s and Caregiver’s with the words of love they do not put in Hallmark Cards.mothers day gift


MOM…I want to say to you this Mother’s Day!

Mom I am who I am today because of the way I always saw you had an open minded attitude toward all kinds of different people and different things. And I saw the way that you helped anybody in need without ever worrying about getting paid back or having it reciprocated back to you and because of that I am exactly like you.


MOM…I want to say to you this Mother’s Day!

I LOVE YOU Mom FOR SHOWING ME HOW TO BE A FATHER TO MY KIDS AND FOR INSTILLING RESPONSIBILITY IN ME. Now I am responsible to my family. As you know, I am in my kid’s lives 110%. Mom I thank you for always taking care of me even though my Father was not there. You raised me to be a strong, loving Black man BECAUSE OF THE MOTHER YOU ARE.


MOM…I want to say to you this Mother’s Day!

I love you Mom, for giving me strength and although my father was not there, I still have the ability to be the Best Man that I can be for my children.  And, in spite of any circumstances that I may have gone through, it was a learning tool for what not to do when it comes to my children.  So…I thank you Mom and I love you for that.


Well LIFE actually taught me…to be honest. I am pretty much a born observer. And I learned about life from a bunch of observation, paying attention, watching, sitting down and just watching people. I thank my Mom, my Brother my family, friends, teachers and the community full of experiences for teaching me fairness.  I learned that I am a fair man today because even in the midst of me  having feelings sometimes, that I have the right to do what I want to do, how I want to do it, and how I want to do it, I always find myself ending up being fair in the situation. Even when I think, I have the right to be NOT fair. I always end up choosing to be fair. Fairness always wins out.

(My Mom passed when I was 11 and my Brother stepped up to raise me)


Thank you Mom for guiding me onto the straight and narrow path to do what is right, to help people, to respect my elders, to be able bodied and to go out here and apply myself to create and develop an honest living.

(My Mom has passed on)


MOM…I want to say to you this Mother’s Day!

Mom I love you so much for the principals and the morals that you instilled in me. Thank you for being so strict with me when I was a child. Thank you for sticking with me when I kept turning down the wrong path as a youth and a young man. Thank you for telling me you were going to cut me off completely. That… made me think on the value of you. It made me grow up a whole lot more in a few short months. Mom I can even quote scripture that I know I learned because of you; Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it. As I am getting older Mom, I am certainly getting closer to this scripture.


MOM…I want to say to you this Mother’s Day!

I love you Mom for having me, instilling the quality traits within me, sticking by me, loving me unconditionally, being there for me and providing for me as a child. And because of that and all the you have done I have become a father of three, a mature responsible man,  a husband, a leader, a man and a productive citizen in my community, and an uplifting spirit to everyone.


MOM…I want to say to you this Mother’s Day!

I love you Mom and thank you for being the lady that you are that taught me to be respectful, kind and generous to other people, how you taught me to keep house. Most importantly, the lesson of treating people the way I want to be treated was huge to me. Thank you for the love you showed my siblings and me. Thanks for being an efficient tough disciplinarian, how else could you raise four strong men. And, even getting the neighbors involved to help to love us and keep us straight. Thank you for caring and allowing me to feel the love in your heart. Thanks for all the memories of family and holiday dinners. And for the daily conversations and time we spend together with each other daily. Mom thank you for the love that is “IN YOUR HEART”!

(K) LOVATIONSHIP READERS…Be sure to come back next week to receive the learning keys from these same LOVATIONSHIP GURUS. The will be discussing LOVEATIONSHIP ADVICE they received from their Mom and how it applies to their life today! Very interesting stuff you can relate with and use. See you then.


Happy Mothers Day!

I love You,

L.Spirit Baptiste


Lynda totally loves and completely enjoys helping YOU discover YOUR Life Purpose and showing you how to connect it to Your Career Passion and The Lovationship of Your Dreams. She is an Empowering, Experiential Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner and an Inspiring Certified-Master Life Purpose Coach. Reach out to her at Design Your Success 1 888 564-4114

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